[YONSEI NEWS] Evangelical and Medical Missionary in Albania and Brazil

연세대학교 홍보팀 / news@yonsei.ac.kr

The 10th Underwood Missionary Prize Ceremony The 10th Underwood Missionary Prize was conferred to Mr. Shim Jae-du and Mr. Lee Seong-jeon. The Underwood Missionary Prize, first established in 2001 to commemorate the founder Dr. Underwood’s missionary spirit, is awarded to those dedicated to missionary work domestically or internationally. This year’s awarding ceremony and celebration lecture took place on November 1st at Luce Chapel. Mr. Shim Jae-du is an international missionary affiliated to The General Assembly of Presbyterian Church in Korea and has devoted 17 years to medical and evangelical missionary work. His first dispatch was to Albania in 1993, which led to his treatment of patients with respiratory illness, asthma, and tuberculosis at the Tirana National University Hospital. In 1996, he established the Albania-Korea Health Foundation and has provided medical devices, medicine, and other commodities. He has also directed free medical clinics in poor districts and is expanding the Community Health Evangelism. In 1999, he provided medical treatment to the influx of 600 thousand refugees into Albania during the Kosovo War. In 2001, he opened the Shalom Clinic in order to fulfill medical and evangelical missionary in Albania. In addition to these missionaries, he has built many churches in the country as well. Mr. Lee Seong-jeon is an international missionary of The Korean Methodist Church who has performed missionary work for 20 years. In 1990, he started his first international missionary work in the Amazon area in Brazil for the first time in Korean Methodist history. He also founded Igreja Central Church, followed by Igreja Mutirao Church in 1992, Novo Israel Church in 1996, Manaus Church in 1996, Chico Mendas Church and Alfredo Nascimento Church in 2000. He has organized a strong missionary network in the area, which has been serving for the community in various ways. The Amazon area in which Mr. Lee has served has an illiteracy rate of 40%. To provide educational benefits, he established Mutirao Elementary School in 1993 and Alfredo Nascimento Elementary School in 2003. The children are provided with school education and religious faith.